If you like Contests, hash out your next big event... Or if your not a big fan, then feel free to bash the rest of us... This is a great blogging place to talk about the next up and coming contest... There is enough to go around all year long... Clear your calendar, there is something always one going one somewhere, or at least about to start.. Fire up your loggers or sharpen your pencil...

Looking forward to the 10 meter contest next month to close out 2024. I think I may do it from a park to get the double whammy. Stay tuned.
The 2021 Best In Western Massachusetts Award Goes To Matt, W1PY
Donations have been taken to pay for Matt's plaque from POTA*413
$20 KK1W Jim
$20 KC1EWL Jerry
$20 K1VWQ Danny
$15 Mason Jar Leftovers From Last Years' Donationa
$75 total
-50 2021 award plaque; Matt W1PY
$25 in the Mason Jar Pack-a-way for the 2022 award
K1KI Tom de NEQP has been paid by K1VWQ for POTA*413 for the 2021 award.
Congrats to Matt; W1PY
2022 NEQP is scheduled for May 7&8
More at: https://neqp.org/
Dave and Jerry had some good question regarding donations for the NEQP plaques we sponsor. I will post their questions below, so the explainations have transparency at both sites, since they are regarding money donations.
New England QSO Party 2021 starts in a little over 24 hours from now. I noticed since I am a N3FJP Software USER, Scott has updated the NEQP Contest Log to 4.2... I am not sure what the refinements are, but you can download the new version here... Just look for New England as you scroll down. Good Luck Everyone.
Thanks to Don Izzo W1FYG and Dave Scarpa N1MFL for their $10.00 donation each for the 2021 New England QSO Party plaque for the upcoming years contest.