If hiking is your bag, let us know here.... POTA*413 covers all Summit activations and chasing too... Remember SOTA only needs 4 Q's to activate, so have fun on that hike... Or spin the dial from home and get that SOTA station activated...
Finally, I got to do my first SOTA under my new vanity callsign... I activated Quabbin Hill in Massachusetts, W1/CR-013... I am hoping to plan more...
Also, I have SOTA credit under my original callsign of KB1VWQ. I wonder if I email the powers to be and see if that credit can be transferred to my new account? Or am I just condemned to start over?
Finally, I got to do my first SOTA under my new vanity callsign... I activated Quabbin Hill in Massachusetts, W1/CR-013... I am hoping to plan more...
Also, I have SOTA credit under my original callsign of KB1VWQ. I wonder if I email the powers to be and see if that credit can be transferred to my new account? Or am I just condemned to start over?