This is a great BLOG thread to talk about all RADIO-RELATED topics... Such as project you're working on... A great QSL card you just got in the mail... Help Desk Subjects, like How to I apply to LoTW, or Should I get involved with a QSL Buro, and how? These are just some of the questions we can discuss here to get more involved with amateur radio... And of course we can continue our talks each week on the air at 19:00 EST on 28.413 MHz during the actual ON-AIR POTA*413 Roundtable....

Been doing a ton of POTA hunting on 10 meters recently. Band has been wide open!
THE MTARA (Mount Tom Amateur Radio Association) is holding it's 34th annual Amateur Radio and Electronics Hamfest. Open 6:30 for Vendors, and 8:30 for general public. It's held close by at Chicopee's Castle Of Knights located at 1599 Memorial Drive. Go look around and share in some ham fellowship!
Just released...
World Amateur Radio Day is April 18 2022
📷World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) is April 18 and is celebrated worldwide by radio amateurs and their national associations, which are organized as member-societies of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).
It was on this day in 1925 that the IARU was formed in Paris. American Radio Relay League (today, ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio) co-founder Hiram Percy Maxim was its first president. "On World Amateur Radio Day, all radio amateurs are invited to take to the airwaves to enjoy our global friendship with other amateurs, and to promote our skills and capabilities to the public," said Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, ARRL Director of Public Relations and Innovation. "Us…
FCC New Application Fee - Pay To Play?
New Amateur Radio License Applications Fee To Become Effective April 19, 2022 A Public Notice released by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on March 23, 2022, in MD Docket No. 20-270, announced that new application fees for Wireless Telecommunications Bureau applications will become effective on April 19, 2022. The new fees, mandated by Congress, apply to applications for Amateur Radio licenses including those associated with filing Form 605, the Amateur Operator/Primary Station Licensee Application. The docket can be found online at, Effective April 19, 2022, a $35 fee will apply to applications for a new Amateur Radio license, modification (upgrade and sequential call sign change), renewal, and vanity call signs. Anticipating the implementation of the fee in 2022, the ARRL Board of Directors, at its July…
I was told it’s not official as of yet, but good advise perhaps…